21. Practice: While Loops

If you already have programming experience, feel free to skip any exercises that you don't feel are necessary for you.

Practice: Factorials with While Loops

Find the factorial of a number using a while loop.

A factorial of a whole number is that number multiplied by every whole number between itself and 1. For example, 6 factorial (written "6!") equals 6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 = 720. So 6! = 720.

We can write a while loop to take any given number and figure out what its factorial is.

Example: If number is 6, your code should compute and print the product, 720.

Start Quiz:

# number to find the factorial of
number = 6   

# start with our product equal to one
product = 1

# track the current number being multiplied
current = 1

# write your while loop here

    # multiply the product so far by the current number
    # increment current with each iteration until it reaches number

# print the factorial of number

Practice: Factorials with For Loops

Now use a for loop to find the factorial!

It will now be great practice for you to try to revise the code you wrote above to find the factorial of a number, but this time, using a for loop. Try it in the code editor below!

Start Quiz:

# number to find the factorial of
number = 6   

# start with our product equal to one
product = 1

# write your for loop here

# print the factorial of number